Monday 08.45-11.15, 11.15-15.15
Tuesday 08.45-11.15, 11.15-15.15
Wednesday closed
Thursday 08.45-11.15
Friday 08.45-11.15, 11.15-15.15
(Ti A Fi at the School Hall each Friday) 10-11.30
Free for Children Accessing the Childcare Offer
Morning Session 8.45 – 11.15 – £10 per session (morning sessions are funded by PCC from the term after a Childs 3rd birthday)
Afternoon Sessions 11.15 – 15.15 – £16 per session
£16 per day if child is using Powys County Council Funding or £26 for full day (not including Powys CC Funding)
Your child will be required to bring a packed lunch if staying all day or attending the afternoon session.